Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

By: Ted Yoho
By: Ted Yoho
Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: K-12 Education

Our children's education is an ongoing national priority. We need a well-rounded, well-educated workforce that champions highly skilled labor as well as necessary vocational trades. To be competitive in the global economy, education at every level is important. At the core of my position on education is a belief that parents, not bureaucrats, know best how to raise their children.

In recent years, too much of the education policy written by Washington offers federal dollars to states and local school districts in exchange for compliance with national mandates.

I believe schools should be held accountable to parents and students at the local level instead of to a far-removed federal government. I believe creating arbitrary educational standards is outside the original intent of the Constitution and should be controlled locally, not by bureaucrats in Washington.

The United States spends more per student per year than any other country in the world, yet our test scores continue to struggle. Federal rules, regulations, and mandates have crippled our country's education system. We need to reform the Department of Education to put the emphasis back on local control.
