Issue Position: Seniors: Social Security & Medicare

Issue Position

Social Security and Medicare are NOT entitlements; they are the insurance that you've paid for. Democrats must fight for our nation's seniors. Under the guise of deficit reduction, Republicans have recklessly attacked the vital supports for our seniors.

For 75 years, Social Security has been a promise to all Americans that they would have a chance to retire with dignity after a lifetime of hard work. We have an obligation to keep that promise; to safeguard Social Security for our seniors, people with disabilities, and all Americans -- today, tomorrow, and forever.

Social Security is not the cause of our budget deficits! It does not add a penny to the deficit. Even without changes, it will continue to provide full benefits for decades to come. We can and should take steps to strengthen Social Security, but those who say benefit cuts are the only way to reduce deficits are not being honest. Click here for more facts on Social Security.

Medicare also protects seniors' health and economic security. Medicare provides seniors with health care coverage they would not otherwise be able to afford. In Connecticut there are about 587,000 Medicare beneficiaries statewide.

Medicare has dramatically improved the quality of life for seniors. It is the largest source of health coverage in the nation. Before Medicare, one-half of America's seniors were uninsured. Congressman Larson remains committed to strengthening Medicare, not tearing it down. Any proposal to ensure Medicare's financial stability must preserve guaranteed benefits that have made Medicare a reliable source of care for seniors.

Today many Republicans are continuing their efforts to dismantle these social safety nets that they have objected to since it was created. The federal budget is about more than just dollars and cents. It is a statement of our values and priorities. They would rather cut benefits to seniors than cut subsidies to Big Oil or corporations that ship jobs overseas.

The deficit must be addressed, but it should be done in a way that is fair to all. We should not balance the budget on the backs of our nation's seniors. Congressman Larson and other democrats will continue to work to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.
