
Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, for the last 3 years, the President personally promised that if they liked their current health care plan, that they could keep it ``no matter what,'' period.

But cancelation notices are now arriving in millions of mailboxes across the country. In the great State of Michigan, some 225,000 folks will see their plans terminated because of this law. That is twice the number of people who have even tried to select a plan nationwide.

I have heard from countless families back home who took the President at his word. They are upset--yes, they are--and worried about how they are going to make ends meet.

A self-employed family of three in Bangor, Michigan, had purchased their own insurance for more than 30 years. Their BlueCross/BlueShield plan was working well, had no deductible, a $750 monthly premium. To replace it, the premium is going to nearly double to $1,393 and their deductible will jump to $2,800. In their own words, they told us, they had been thrown under the bus. Sadly, they are not alone.

Tomorrow, we will vote on the Keep Your Health Plan Act, a straightforward, 1-page bill that says if you like your coverage, you ought to be able to keep it.

Let's keep that promise.
