Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearings Tomorrow on Cybersecurity and Emergency Management; Implications of the Navy Yard Shooting on Federal Facility Protection

Press Release

Date: Oct. 29, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

The House Homeland Security Committee will hold the following subcommittee hearings tomorrow.

WEDNESDAY, October 30 at 10 a.m. (NOTE:Time has changed from 9am to 10am)

Subcommittees on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Communications and

Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies

Cyber Incident Response: Bridging the Gap Between Cybersecurity and Emergency Management

311 Cannon House Office Building

Invited Witnesses Include:

Ms. Roberta Stempfley, Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, National Protection and Programs Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Charley English, Director, Georgia Emergency Management Agency (Testifying on behalf of National Emergency Management Association)

Mr. Craig Orgeron, CIO and Executive Director, Department of Information Technology Services, State of Mississippi (Testifying on behalf of National Association of State Chief Information Officers)

Mr. Mike Sena, Deputy Director, Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (Testifying on behalf of National Fusion Center Association)

Mr. Paul Molitor, Assistant Vice President, National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Subcommittee Chairman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN) on the hearing: "A cyber attack on our critical infrastructure could have damaging cascading physical effects. We must ensure that state and local emergency management officials are prepared to respond to such an attack. Unfortunately, the 2013 National Preparedness Report again highlights states' concerns about their cybersecurity capabilities. This hearing, occurring during Cybersecurity Awareness Month, will provide Members with an opportunity to examine the state of cyber information sharing and cyber incident response capabilities."

Subcommittee Chairman Patrick Meehan (R-PA) on the hearing: "Our Committee has been focused on providing our nation and the Department of Homeland Security with the tools and authorities to prevent a cyber attack on U.S. critical infrastructure. Through our efforts conducting oversight, and partnering with government and private sector stakeholders, we remain determined to prevent an attack. This joint hearing will further our efforts by ensuring that the federal government and its state and local partners are capable of responding to and mitigating the threat should a successful cyber attack occur. I look forward to discussing ways that Congress can help advance the Department's response capabilities."
