Lowey Statement on Impacts and Costs of Government Shutdown


Date: Nov. 7, 2013

"Today's report proves what the American people already know. The government shutdown was a shameful and damaging episode that we can't afford to repeat.

"The 16-day government shutdown in October cost 120,000 private-sector jobs and reduced fourth quarter economic growth by up to 0.6 percent. 6.6 million combined days of federal employee furloughs resulted in responsibilities going unmet with taxpayers footing the $2 billion bill. The shutdown had a negative impact on countless services that are critical to American families, including stalling veterans disability claims, delaying processing of tax refunds, closing Head Start grantees serving thousands of children, disrupting private-sector lending to small businesses and homeowners, upsetting tourism and travel plans, and slowing food safety inspections and approval of medical products, devices, and drugs.

"Our economy and American taxpayers simply cannot afford another manufactured crisis when the Continuing Resolution expires on January 15th.

"The ongoing budget conference must replace sequestration and allow the Appropriations Committees to write thoughtful and responsible bills that invest in medical research, national security, roads and bridges, job training, public safety, and countless other urgent priorities."
