E-Newsletter: Affordable Care Act Update: Demanding Accountability


Dear Friend,

The Obama Administration made inexcusable and unacceptable mistakes in launching the new health insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. During a Ways and Means Committee hearing this week, I demanded accountability from the Administration, making it clear that the problems with HealthCare.gov must be fixed immediately.

The insurance marketplace provides the opportunity to offer affordable private health insurance to millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans who do not have employer coverage. But, in order to do so, the Administration must fix HeathCare.gov and assure the American public it is being responsive, forthcoming and working around the clock to solve these problems.

I will continue to hold the Administration accountable so that Americans can shop in the marketplace through HealthCare.gov and sign up for health coverage that fits their needs and budgets soon. The Administration says the issues will be resolved by the end of November. While open enrollment extends to March 31, 2014, the deadline to enroll for plans effective January 1, 2014 is December 15th. There can be no more excuses.

I will continue working to ensure that the law is implemented effectively and that we learn from experience. As always, it is a privilege to represent you in Congress.


Allyson Y. Schwartz
Member of Congress
