Tell Our Troops: America Supports You

Date: March 4, 2005
Location: unknown

Tell Our Troops: America Supports You
by Rep. John M. McHugh
(R-Pierrepont Manor)

No matter where you see them - in an airport, a grocery store, or on TV from halfway around the world - the urge is always there: to commend America's Armed Forces for their dedication at home and abroad.

Efforts across this nation to support our military men and women have been varied in nature, but seemingly endless. We have seen an outpouring of support from individual citizens and groups alike, from local schools and small businesses to nationally-known corporations and organizations. At home here in upstate New York, I have heard countless stories of such efforts - from the ongoing support and recognition Fort Drum's troops receive from the surrounding communities, to activities recognizing our guard and reserve troops serving from across the state.

Our citizens are sending our troops the message that, "America Supports You" - so much so that the Department of Defense has created a nationwide program of the same name. "America Supports You" spotlights what people are doing across our nation, encourages others to join the team, and provides a venue for all these stories of support to be told - by giving voice and visibility to these efforts.

But not only does the program recognize citizens' support for our military men and women, it communicates that support to members of our Armed Forces as well.

All events and information are highlighted on a new "America Supports You" Web site ( that allows participants to register and be recognized, share their stories of support, write messages of support to our troops, and download program materials to use in individual or organized efforts. Military members can also access the Web site to learn more about what people are doing around the country, and also post messages for others to read.
The internet has become a mainstay in our daily lives, bringing people from around the world together. Now, through this Web site, it will also bring Americans that much closer to our troops - in sharing our respect and admiration, our thanks and never-ending support.

The support of the American people helps to build and sustain the morale of those fighting to defend freedom against the tyranny of terrorism. I encourage you to join in this effort and let our troops know how much the American people support them while they fight to defend the freedoms we so richly enjoy.
