Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 23, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. COTTON. I want to thank the chairman and the committee for their hard work on WRRDA, which I am pleased to support.

Mr. Chairman, I have offered an amendment that addresses an issue with the population growth projections of the 1958 Water Supply Act, which are outdated, and many local water districts are now forced to pay substantial principal and interest to the Federal Government on excess water supply.

My amendment allows the Corps and local water districts to collaborate on finding new markets for their excess water storage. Not only does this partnership allow for the best use of shared resources, it also saves the taxpayers millions of dollars.

Again, I want to thank the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the chairman, and the ranking member for their hard work on this bill and for supporting my amendment.

