Issue Position: Governance

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Elections

Nonpatisan Redistricting: I support nonpartisan redistricting. Redistricting should preferably use computer models developed by nonpartisan groups to create fairly designed districts. Since the General Assembly currently is charged with redistricting, it will need approve one of the top two or three nonpartisan options until the state constitution is changed.

Make Voting Easy: I support early voting without restrictions for two to four weeks prior to a General Election. We need to encourage voter participation. Voter suppression is inconsistent with a democratic form of government.

Two Term Limit for the Governor: I support allowing the Governor to serve up to two terms. If they are doing a good job, the people should be allowed to elect them to an additional term.

Campaign Finance Reform: The massive amounts of money in politics is almost universally recognized as a threat to democracy, but Virginia has no limits on how much money a corporation, an organization, or an individual can give to an elected official or their family. I support establishing limits on the amount of money that any candidate can receive from any person, company, or other entity.

Concurrent Elections: I support changes to the state constitution so that Representatives to the House of Delegates, State Senators, Constitutional Officers, and statewide officers (Governor, Lieutenant General, and Attorney General) are all elected on even numbered years. This would match U.S. Congressional elections. Concurrent elections should improve voter turnout. Cutting the number of general elections in half will also save taxpayer money.

District Representatives Elected by Only District Voters: In some localities such as Virginia Beach, City Council representatives are elected by all of the people in the city or county rather than only people in their particular district. This dilutes the democratic process, makes the elected person less accountable to the people in their district, and makes it more expensive for people to run for local office. Election laws should be changed so that a representative is only elected by the people in the district they represent.

Term Limits: I support the establishment of term limits for members of the Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia State Senate. This should also be accompanied by a fair method by which leadership within the General Assembly is determined.
