Train Wreck of President's Health Care Plan Continues

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 30, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, the train wreck of the President's health care plan continues. The President promised that ``if you like your plan, you can keep it,'' period. But millions of Americans are getting cancelation letters this month.

Mia from Taneytown in Carroll County wrote my office saying:

I recently became aware that my insurance will terminate the plan I currently participate in. I was told to find another insurance plan that fits my budget and needs. The problem is none of the insurance carriers can compare to the quality and cost of my current insurance. However, I am being told that I am being forced by law to pick a new plan, or else I will be penalized by the U.S. Government. I have never been more disgusted with my government than I am now. My husband and I work very hard for the money we have. We have a daughter who is 8 months old, but my premium costs to cover myself and her will almost triple. How is this affordable? It is hard enough to pay a mortgage, gas, and day-to-day living.

Mr. Speaker, the President misled the American people. Mia lost her plan, and her insurance costs tripled. Americans deserve better.
