Blog: Conaway Chronicle: Eliminating Waste and Strengthening the Economy

Thank you for reading The Conaway Chronicle, a review of my activities in Congress.

House Passes Bill That Would Strengthen US Economy

This week I voted for a bill that streamlines the process for funding vital port and waterway projects. Completion of these projects will spur the creation of new jobs. This bill is part of an ongoing effort by the House of Representatives to stop wasteful spending and eliminate bureaucratic hurdles that are hindering the U.S. economy. The bill, which is known as the Water Resources Reform Development Act (WRRDA), funds projects that are necessary to get products from U.S. fields and factories to markets throughout the country and around the world. One of our nation's greatest competitive advantages in the world marketplace is our superior infrastructure. This allows our farmers and manufacturers to get products to market faster and more cheaply than farmers and manufacturers in other countries. My colleague Congressman Bill Shuster, R-Pa., led the effort to pass the bill and created a video about the bill.

Now that the bill has passed, members of the House will work out the differences between our version of the bill and the version that the Senate has passed. I am optimistic that the differences can be worked out and we can get a final bill that strengthens the US economy.

Cobham Avionics

On Oct. 24, I visited Cobham Avionics in Mineral Wells, where they design and manufacture autopilot devices and electronic flight instrument systems. Cobham, which is a multinational aviation company, employs nearly 130 people at its Mineral Wells facility. Cobham is one of the many aviation companies doing good work in Mineral Wells.


During the government shutdown I asked the House of Representatives' chief administrative officer to stop paying my salary for the duration of the shutdown. I was told that by law the House was required to pay members of Congress. As I promised, on Oct. 23, I wrote a check to refund my pay to the U.S. Treasury from Oct.1 to Oct. 17. I opposed the bill ending the government shutdown because my fundamental concerns about out of control government spending and Obamacare have still not been addressed.

Farm Bill

On Oct. 30, I will join with several House colleagues and Senators to officially begin the process of working out the differences between the Farm Bills passed by the House and the Senate. I will work with my colleagues to reach an agreement that strengthens the safety net for farmers and the most vulnerable in both the 11th District of Texas and throughout the country. I am also committed to producing a bill that reins in spending and eliminates wasteful programs.

Brownwood Town Hall

On Oct. 25, I held a town hall meeting in Brownwood. I discussed the many flaws with Obamacare and the need to limit wasteful spending and bureaucracy that is stifling job growth and harming our nation's economy.

As always, you can follow me on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.


Rep. Mike Conaway, 11th District
