CNN "Newsroom" - Transcript: Debt Limit


Date: Oct. 15, 2013

SENATOR JOHNNY ISAKSON (R), GEORGIA: Now is the time we shouldn't point fingers. Now is the time we should look for the 80 percent of the areas we agree. Let's make a deal. Let's don't fight over the remaining 20 that still out there.

So hopefully, cooler heads will prevail. Hopefully, politics will not rule the day. Hopefully, the American people's best interests will be what drives us to a decision.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: I remember when the president was reaching out to the Republican leadership, Republican senators. He asked you to help organize some dinners for him to meet with your Republican colleagues.

Have you been satisfied with the way the president has been dealing with you guys, Republicans, in the Senate over these past several months?

ISAKSON: I was very satisfied with the outcome of the eight or ten meetings we've had with the White House on the big picture items.

I have been less than satisfied with the leadership we've seen on the debt ceiling issue and on the leadership on what final deal we might get to.

But the president did invite us over last Friday. We had a forthright meeting in the White House. A lot of things that are going to be a part of a final deal were discussed that day and that bodes well for us getting a final deal.

BLITZER: One final question before I let you go, the next 48 hours, deal or no deal?

ISAKSON: There will be a deal in my opinion. There's no excuse for there not being one.

BLITZER: Johnny Isakson is the Republican senator from Georgia. Thanks, Senator, very much.

ISAKSON: Thanks, wolf.

