Stewart Votes Against Raising the Debt Ceiling


Date: Oct. 16, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) released the following statement after voting against legislation that raises the debt ceiling:

"I've been in a long fight to protect the American people from the terribly destructive effects of Obamacare, a fight that has included more than a dozen votes to defund, delay or modify the bill as well as to extract any kind of spending concessions from the administration to help solve our nation's long-term debt. On all fronts, the President and Senate Democrats have turned us away."

"I've always said that any increase of the debt ceiling must be coupled with spending and entitlement reforms that will balance our budget and allow us to begin paying down the debt. Our national debt, which will double under this administration, is now approaching $17 trillion. I could not vote to increase the debt ceiling tonight, as the legislation does not include any spending cuts or reforms and included numerous additional spending provisions. We simply can't keep spending money that we don't have."
