Rep. Graves Votes To Fund The FDA


U.S. Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA-14) issued the following statement after voting for and the House passed H.J.Res. 77, a bill to fund the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

"Today, House Republicans and Democrats passed the ninth bill to reopen a common ground area of government. This bill would keep FDA workers on the job to provide critical consumer protections. While the House continues to act responsibly to fund as much of the government as we can, Harry Reid and his Senate Democrats refuse to pass our funding bills or even negotiate.

"The path to any agreement goes through negotiations, and it's time for Harry Reid to talk to us about a fair funding bill. Every American deserves the same protection from Obamacare that the president gave to businesses and others. My constituents should not be forced to buy a bad, unaffordable product under the threat of a fine while the president's friends are exempt."

Earlier today, Rep. Graves appeared on Fox News to discuss the funding bills passed by the House. Please click here to watch the video.

The House has passed the following funding bills during the temporary lapse in appropriations:
H.J.Res. 70 -- Open Our National Parks and Museums
H.J.Res. 72 -- Honoring Our Promise to America's Veterans
H.J.Res. 73 -- Research for Lifesaving Cures
H.J.Res. 75 - Nutrition Assistance for Low-Income Women and Children Act
H.J.Res. 77 - FDA Safety Act.
H.J.Res. 85 - National Emergency and Disaster Recovery Act
H.R. 3230 -- Pay Our Guard and Reserve
H.R. 3223 -- Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness
H.Con.Res. 58 -- Sense of Congress on availability of religious services to the Armed Forces
