Stop Trying to Burn Down the House

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 3, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. DOYLE. Mr. Speaker, we've heard from our Republican colleagues that Democrats don't want to compromise, that the President doesn't want to negotiate.

I read something on the Internet this morning that sort of describes the type of negotiation the Republicans want to have with us. It goes something like this:

Can I burn down your house?


How about just the second floor?


How about the garage?


Well, let's talk about what I can burn down.


You're not compromising.

Mr. Speaker, this is what we've been going through. You want a budget for 6 weeks? Defund ObamaCare. Delay ObamaCare. Take away the individual mandate from ObamaCare. Or please, just sit down with us and tell us what we can take away from 20 million Americans who need health care, and then we'll reopen the government.

Let me say to my colleagues, if you would just stop trying to burn down the house, we can talk.
