Gardner Secures Commitment for Federal Relief in Colorado


Date: Sept. 20, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure

Rep. Cory Gardner (CO-4) participated in a colloquy this morning with Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (KY-5). Below are Gardner's remarks as prepared for delivery:

Mr. Gardner: Mr. Speaker, I rise to engage the chairman of the Appropriations Committee in a colloquy.

Mr. Gardner: I would like to thank Chairman Rogers for his dedication for working with all members in the House of Representatives when their states are impacted by a natural disaster. You have been very receptive and I appreciate your efforts. Colorado is currently experiencing a major flood event that impacted 15 counties, crossing over approximately 2,000 square miles. Certain areas have received over 20 inches of rain and over 19,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed. Many areas are still in crisis and because of the vast devastation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be unable to provide an accurate damage assessment for at least 30 days.

Additionally, the Colorado Department of Transportation estimates that costs could exceed $100,000,000, which would exceed the state event cap on the highway funds in the disaster relief Act.

The tragedy and devastation caused by this severe flood necessitates a response from the federal government. I ask the Chairman to consider working with me and other members of the Colorado delegation to help our state recover and rebuild from this tragedy.

Chairman Rogers: Will the gentleman yield?

Mr. Gardner: I yield to the chairman.

Chairman Rogers: I first want to thank the Congressman from
Colorado for his efforts to help Colorado recover from the flooding. I am aware of the dire need to help Colorado and provide access to emergency resources, including access to emergency transportation dollars, and I look forward to working with you to address this important funding matter as quickly and expeditiously as possible.

Mr. Gardner: I thank the chairman for his support. I yield back.
