Head Start Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 8, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. DeLAURO. I thank the gentlewoman from New York, and I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, the Government of the United States of America has now been closed for a full week. People are out of work. Some are even going hungry. Our economy is poised on the brink of a disastrous default, and yet this Republican majority continues to play political games with the future of our country and the lives and health of American families.

The hostage being negotiated today is Head Start, one of the true American success stories. Unquestionably, it is the most effective early childhood development program ever developed, and I've heard so often from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle about how unsuccessful the program is and what a terrible program it is and that we ought to cut it.

For almost 50 years now, Head Start has provided comprehensive childhood development, literacy, and family services to nearly 30 million preschoolers from low-income and working families. It now serves nearly 1 million children every year. It's an example of how dedicated teachers, with the help of a smart Federal investment, can enrich the lives of our citizens--the cornerstone of our efforts to close the achievement gap--combat poverty, and provide all kids with the opportunity to thrive.

It is another important Federal program that Republicans are claiming to support today in full defiance of their previous voting record. It is as if the majority expects that we have all forgotten the positions they have been promoting for years--up to this point. We have not forgotten.

I am the ranking member of the subcommittee that oversees Head Start funding, and I have had to continually fight tooth and nail to see this program adequately funded and to protect it from the deep cuts put forward by the majority.

In 2011, the very first bill the Republican majority passed tried to cut Head Start by over a billion dollars; and 218,000 kids would have been cut from the rolls, 16,000 classrooms closed, and 55,000 teachers, assistants, and staff would have lost their jobs.

That was the majority's opening offer, and they didn't blink an eye. Parent, teachers, and advocates stood up and said ``no'' to these cuts, and the majority had to back down.

Instead, what they're doing now would be automatic cuts, the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration, which was never meant to become law. They're using that to do their work for them. Because of those cuts, this majority has voted to make permanent that 57,000 students all across America have already lost access to Head Start. Even the children who are able to remain in Head Start can expect shortened school days, elimination of home visits, and teacher layoffs. In total, 78,000 children have lost access to this early learning since

this House majority took office, and those sequester cuts will grow worse over time.

This is a self-inflicted government shutdown. Head Start centers are being forced to close. The longer the majority perpetuates this shutdown, the more kids are being denied an opportunity to learn.

I'm happy to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle embrace the importance of early childhood education. President Obama has called for universal preschool, which would make a profound and positive difference for children and their families across the country; but this Republican majority turned its back on that proposal, walked away from it, and didn't even consider it.

Let's stop playing games with people's lives, their health, and our children's future. It is little wonder that, according to the latest polls, a full 70 percent of the country opposes this hostage-taking and wants us to get back to work.

I urge my colleagues to oppose the resolution, and I reserve the balance of my time.


Ms. DeLAURO. I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I would just like to say to the chairman of the full committee, the National Head Start Association has said--I'm commenting on this sham of a bill before the House today--that they are opposed to this effort because they realize that it is a charade. I think it's important to note that. They are certainly committed--and have been for years--in terms of early-learning education and education for our children, but they, too, understand what is happening here today.

With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from California (Mr. George Miller).


Ms. DeLAURO. I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, let me just comment for a moment in that I think that it is not a question of holding these children hostage. You are holding the entire Nation hostage for an effort that is not going to change, and that is: the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land.

Let's have a vote on this floor of the House of Representatives. We can reopen this government and not hold anyone hostage any longer.

If my memory serves me well, in 2011, the gentleman, whom I do have great respect for, voted for H.R. 1--and maybe it was his bill that he passed--which would have cut Head Start by over $1 billion.

It is puzzling to me that all of a sudden my Republican colleagues have gotten religion on the Head Start program. It is so inconsistent with where this majority has been with regard to Head Start and so disingenuous and duplicitous that we know it is a political ploy.

I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. Castor).


Ms. DeLAURO. I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I would just say to my colleague who just spoke, vote for it. Let's take the bill that was passed in the Senate, bring it here. There are apparently enough votes to reopen this government. Vote for it.

Why be afraid of the process? That's what we do here--we vote. Bring the bill here. Let's open it up and take our chances. What are we afraid of? What are we afraid of? Are we afraid that, in fact, some Republicans will join all of the Democrats to pass a bill that reopens the Federal Government and protects these children, protects our veterans, protects our workers, protects everyone? There is just a fear and a loathing here which I truly do not understand.

With regard to Head Start and other early childhood education programs, we know what those economic dividends are. It's about productivity; it's about prosperity; but it's about the quality of their lives and their futures. That's what ``Head Start'' means.

Given the record of this majority and its past actions in cutting funding over and over and over again for Head Start, it just proves how disingenuous this gimmick is here today. They're playing to the crowd, but the crowd isn't listening. No one will forget what you have done.

In fact, Head Start graduates are less likely to need special education services, to be left back a grade, or to get into trouble with the law. They're more likely to go on to college and to have a professional career. It is a program, yes, that works wonders, which is why we've all been surprised and dismayed by our Republicans

and their attempts to slash this funding in the past.

May I ask the gentleman if he has any additional speakers or if he is going to close?

Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I have no further speakers, and I am prepared to close.

Ms. DeLAURO. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to how much time I have remaining?

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentlewoman from Connecticut has 1 1/2 minutes remaining.

Ms. DeLAURO. Mr. Speaker, in closing, I am dismayed, but we are all dismayed. We have fought these battles on Head Start in the committee. As to the ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, who sits on the Labor-HHS Subcommittee, we fought over and over and over again in talking about how important this program is; and day after day after day after day, we have been told that the facts belie themselves, that this is not a successful program, that kids aren't learning. They have dug up studies from 20 years ago to tell us that this program doesn't work. All of a sudden, today, they think that there is merit in Head Start?

I hope this extends to what the President has asked for in universal early childhood education. Do you know that the Labor-HHS Subcommittee never even saw a markup, nor did they ever mention, with their draft proposal, early childhood education? They dismissed the President's view of early childhood education and providing universal early education for kids; and now, today, they stand before this body and this Nation and say they support this effort.

Let me just tell you, this is more of the reason why the hostage-taking by the majority has to end. Every day, we waste time with these gimmicks mortgages our kids' futures and our future as a Nation. It's not responsible governing, and it's time for it to end.

