Don't Stick Your Fingers in the Light Socket

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 30, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BENTIVOLIO. Mr. Speaker, there's a lot of fighting going on right now in this Chamber, and I can tell you that there's nothing better than when I get to leave Washington and go back home to see my grandkids. Nothing warms my heart more than Emily, Nathan, and Kathryn running up and giving me a hug.

As a grandfather, I find myself giving commonsense advice to my grandchildren. It's funny to tell them obvious things and realize that it seems like sage wisdom to them. ``Emily, look both ways when you cross the street.'' ``Nathan, if you want to be big and strong, you need to eat your vegetables.'' ``Kathryn, always wear your seatbelt.'' Finally, ``Don't stick your finger in the light socket.''

Since the passage of ObamaCare, the economy has stagnated as businesses try to figure out the new rules and the regulations.

Don't stick your finger in the light socket.

ObamaCare is turning running our Nation into a country of part-time workers as companies try to fall under the 30-hour threshold for their employees.

Don't stick your finger in the light socket.

Premiums are rising rather than falling.

Don't stick your finger in the light socket.

By the President's own admission, the systems to implement ObamaCare are not yet ready.

Don't stick your finger in the light socket.

Americans are pleading with the Senate and the President to stop sticking their fingers in the light socket.
