Rep. LaMalfa Votes to Prevent Government Shutdown, Close Congress' Obamacare Loophole

Press Release

Date: Sept. 30, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) today voted in favor of a continuing resolution that funds government operations, prevents spending increases and eliminates Congress' special treatment under Obamacare. The bill, H.Res. 59, was passed by the House on a bipartisan 228-201 vote and will now be considered by the Senate. The measure is the third time the House, which was in session over the weekend, has acted to prevent a government shutdown. The Senate has refused to negotiate and left Washington last Friday, only returning to work late this afternoon.

"This nation was founded on the belief that the law applies to every citizen equally, yet Nancy Pelosi thinks she and other Washington insiders should be exempt from the President's health care take over," said LaMalfa. "Perhaps once Pelosi and Harry Reid are required to live under the law they've forced on the rest of the nation, they'll recognize how disastrous the impacts on Americans really are. It's time to end the special treatment: Congress should live by same rules as you do."

"The Senate placed the nation in a precarious position after refusing to negotiate and leaving the Capitol this weekend. After the House passed a measure to prevent a government shutdown for the third time, I'm hopeful that the Senate will finally take some responsibility, do what is right for our nation and pass this bill," added LaMalfa. "The Senate has two choices: close their Obamacare loophole and fund the government, or ignore their responsibilities and force a shutdown. I think it's clear what the right decision is."
