Oliver Renews Fight to Provide Envergy Assistance for Low-Income Families

Date: Feb. 28, 2005
Location: Washinton, D.C.


WASHINGTON - Congressman WASHINGTON ‚ Congressman John W. Olver (D-1st District) is urging President Bush to make funds available for energy assistance for low-income families. In a letter to the president, Olver and 113 of his colleagues call for the immediate release of $197 million in funds that have been appropriated for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) during the 2005 fiscal year. Americans are facing record high energy prices, and states need additional funding immediately to help low-income families and seniors reduce their energy burden this year. [A copy of the letter is available upon request.]

"LIHEAP helps lower income families pay their energy bills, a service that is particularly valuable given the rise in heating costs this winter," Olver said. "Families shouldnít have to choose between heating their home and buying food."

With strong support from Olver and nearly 100 other Members of Congress, LIHEAP was awarded $300 million in the fiscal year 2005 omnibus appropriations bill. While the president released $100 million of these funds in December, the remainder of these funds is still needed to help many low-income families pay their rising heating bills this winter.

In December 2004, the average cost of a gallon of heating oil in Massachusetts was $1.86, approximately 50 cents higher than costs in December 2003. According to the Energy Information Administration, the cost for home heating is expected to increase from $953 to $1,179 for heating oil, $1,147 to $1,404 for propane, and $870 to $950 for natural gas. These increases couldn't come at a worse time. According to the Census Bureau, since 2001, when President Bush took office, the number of people living in poverty has increased by 4.3 million and the median family income has dropped by more than $1,500.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is the primary program that provides assistance to help low-income families pay their energy bills.

"LIHEAP is a vital safety net that reduces the percentage of income spent on residential energy costs, providing modest, but important relief to thousands of families," Olver said. "We need to make these funds available as quickly as possible to help low-income families and senior citizens remain safe, healthy and warm this winter."

