Energy and Commerce Democrats Release Investigative Findings on Affordable Care Act Navigators

Press Release

Date: Sept. 18, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Rep. Diana DeGette, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, released preliminary findings of an investigation of Affordable Care Act Navigators, the community and civic organizations that will be helping community members sign up for Affordable Care Act benefits next month.

On August 29, 2013, Chairman Fred Upton and 14 Republican members of the Committee sent a detailed request for documents and briefings to 51 of the Navigators.

"The Navigators are well qualified to do their job and will be helping millions of people sign up for Affordable Care Act health coverage," said Rep. Waxman. "We should not be interfering and diverting resources from these community and civic groups that are working so hard to implement the Affordable Care Act. The Committee should end this witch hunt."

"Our findings make clear that there is no evidence these organizations have done anything illegal, and, on the contrary, are taking all steps to effectively and efficiently educate the American people about this new law," said Rep. DeGette. "I believe it dishonors the tradition of our Committee to use our oversight authority to play partisan games that in the end only stand in the way of people utilizing the important programs under the ACA."

The Committee staff's review of grant applications and other information from 42 Navigators shows that:

* Navigators will help millions obtain health insurance coverage, directly enrolling over one million uninsured people for ACA benefits and reaching an additional 7.3 million people through public education efforts.

* Navigators have extensive experience assisting individuals with federal and state benefit programs, helping individuals in targeted communities with Medicaid or other health insurance coverage, food security programs, legal services, and other counseling or assistance programs.

* Most Navigators are nonprofit, community service providers, and all Navigators are nonpartisan organizations.

* Navigator grant recipients have effective privacy protections in place, abiding by statutory provisions providing for the privacy and security of personal information and taking additional steps to protect individuals' privacy.
