Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Floor Speech

By: Tom Rice
By: Tom Rice
Date: Sept. 30, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, my friends across the aisle like to say they're for the middle class, but I can't hear what they say because their actions speak far more loudly.

The working man just got a $100-per-month pay cut with the expiration of the payroll tax cut. The President's war on coal will deny our power companies the cheapest fuel and will increase American families' monthly utility bills by another $50 a month.

The administration's energy policy is designed to drive up cost at the pump, up over $1 a gallon in the last 4 years, costing the average American family $150 per month. Every day folks will pay more for medical equipment which they desperately need with the medical device tax.

Now comes ObamaCare. Forbes magazine estimates that medical insurance will cost 90 percent more for the average man, 60 percent more for the average woman, which will cost families in South Carolina hundreds of additional dollars per month. And if they don't want to buy health insurance, they will be fined.

It appears that my colleagues across the aisle have a plan, Mr. Speaker: break the middle class with taxes and higher costs on necessities, and then they will take
