Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 19, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BENTIVOLIO. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the

Anti-Poverty Initiative, I have been blessed to work closely with the people ``on the ground'' who are committed to lifting people out of poverty. Many in Washington believe a hand out is a hand up. It's not. We need a social safety net that focuses on the empowering of the individual.

The men and women I've met with all have wanted me to hear their stories. I asked them directly: What do we do that works? What do we do that doesn't work, and how can I make it better? All of the men and women shared the same themes: Lift me spiritually, not just economically. They told me they don't want to be taken care of. They want to be able to take care of themselves and are challenged to find and utilize the gifts God blessed them with.

I am proud to say many of the reforms in this bill didn't come from a bunch of people in suits and ties here in Washington, D.C. They came directly from the American families we are trying to help. This bill is a forward-looking approach that propels people towards opportunity. It fulfills the promise made in the Declaration--that our country believes in the right to pursue happiness however each citizen defines it.

