Issue Position: Fracking in New Jersey

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Environment

Because of water pollution and earthquakes, fracking also delays the transitioning of fossil fuels. There has been a strong opposition on fracking both by health professionals concerned citizens and by farmers.

Extensive infrastructure is necessary to carry out natural gas activities.This includes vast miles of fragmenting pipelines, compressor and metering stations that vent methane, storage facilities, unresolved waste disposal and massive water withdrawals for each well from New Jersey lakes and streams. Water will become permanently poisoned by the fracking chemicals and removed from our precious, finite supply of fresh water at a time of increasing water scarcity. Therefore, I strongly oppose fracking until more studies have proven that it is both environmentally safe and safe for our citizens.

Recently, Governor Chris Christie has vetoed the bill that will ban the treatment fracking waste in New Jersey. My stand on fracking is that; more research is needed to ensure that the citizens of New Jersey are fully aware of the dangers, and that safety precautions are set into place before the fracking process is initiated around their community. "What are the safety assurances that will be provided and what is the cost to the New Jersey taxpayers!"
