Lack of Leadership

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 12, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Madam Speaker, we're living in a dangerous world abroad, with challenging economic times at home, but America has been here before.

On Tuesday, Americans witnessed the embarrassing and dangerous results of this administration's lack of a coherent foreign policy: Vladimir Putin filled the global leadership void. What happens next with Syria and that region is anyone's guess, but it's clear that America is not in the driver's seat.

The President failed to convince me--and most of the American people--that military action in Syria is in our best interests. This debate was not conducted from a position of foreign policy strength because Syria was allowed to fester. Flawed attempts at coalition building failed.

Iran is ever closer to a nuclear bomb. Iran funds terrorist organizations. Iran's influence in the region is significant. And a Middle Eastern arms race would likely follow, the results of which could be catastrophic.

The world is looking to America for leadership. The American people are looking to this President for leadership. Mr. President, it's time for you to step up to the plate.
