Governor Responds to SITLA Decision


Date: Aug. 27, 2013
Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Governor Gary R. Herbert issued the following statement regarding the State Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) decision to lease the Book Cliffs area for oil and gas development:

"SITLA's decision to lease the entire Book Cliffs block could be at the expense of a more vital and potentially more valuable land management strategy. I expect SITLA to honor its fiduciary responsibility to Utah's school children. However, I call on SITLA to live up to that obligation and find the best, long-term agreement that will return the greatest possible revenue to the school trust. I am confident a better process will result in a better outcome that serves all concerned. I urge SITLA to reconsider this critical decision and not execute a contract on these terms."

The Governor will make a brief statement for the media at 3:30 PM today in his Formal Office. In addition, the Governor's Energy Advisor, Cody Stewart, and Environmental Advisor, Alan Matheson, will be available for statements.
