Newsletter - Jobs Are Still My First Priority


Dear Friend,

I was very happy to see the President return his focus to jobs and the economy this week -- an issue where House Republicans have been laser focused all along. All of us see and feel the pain which the Obama economy has caused -- far too many American families and businesses have been devastated in the last few years alone.

The numbers really show the extent of harm that this Administration has caused to our economy. When President Obama spoke at Knox College in 2005, unemployment was at 5.5 percent with 7.5 million unemployed. He went back to speak about the economy this week -- with an unemployment rate at 7.6 percent with 11.8 million unemployed.

Since the president took office, the average duration of unemployment has nearly doubled - from 19.8 weeks to 35.6 weeks. Furthermore, there are 2.2 million less people employed today than there were in 2008 when the recession began. Every day we see a new report about small businesses that are laying off employees or cutting back on workers' hours due in large part to Obamacare and the stifling regulations this adminstration has imposed.

In an effort to provide some relief, I voted with my colleagues in the House to delay the employer and individual mandates found in Obamacare. While I support the full repeal of Obamacare, I know that the crippling pain these Obamacare provisions are inflicting on job creators, families and our economy needs to be delayed until we can provide permanent reprieve.

In a recent hearing of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, we uncovered how ill-prepared the administration has been for the implementation of Obamacare. Below you will find a link to video of my exchange with senior Obama administration advisor Mark Iwry regarding timing of the administration's decision to delay the Obamacare employer mandate.

Also, this week I introduced the DEFECT Act, which will require asset verification before subsidies roll out under Obamacare. This will prevent fraudulent subsidy claims and ensure that funds are available for those that truly need them.

Republicans in the House continue to focus on jobs and we have passed dozens of bills focused on invigorating our economy. Unfortunately, the Senate has failed to act on many of them. Visit for more information about the GOP plan for jobs.

At home in the Second District, we are focused on jobs as well. My Recruit-A-Vet Employment Fair is scheduled for Monday, July 29th in Fayetteville. If you are a veteran who would like to attend the job fair, information is provided below and on my website.

Also below, you will find a status update on my bill to protect cancer patients from the harmful effects of sequestration cuts, which recently received its 100th co-sponsor. I discussed the status of my cancer bill and recent Obamacare developments in an interview with Bill LuMaye. Click here to listen to the interview.

Please visit and my social media sites (linked in the right sidebar) for more information on these and other issues that affect you and your community. I hope you will share this information with your friends by forwarding this newsletter via email and sharing it on social media.


This week, I released the following statement regarding introduction of the DEFECT Act (Delaying Enrollment in Federal Exchanges to Certify Trust):

"As Obamacare continues to collapse under its own weight of top-down, 'government knows best' rule making, the Obama administration is now playing games with the law and forcing it to circumvent proper procedure. Recently, the president announced that the government will no longer require individuals to verify their income and health insurance status before receiving premium subsidies under the law - basically leaving the law without any safeguards to protect from abuse, fraud, and explosive costs to taxpayers. Because of this, I have introduced the DEFECT Act, which will require asset verification before these subsidies roll out under Obamacare."

"It's very simple - if you are applying for health insurance under Obamacare, you must be able to prove that you are truly in need of these subsidies. Without this law, anyone - regardless of need or wealth, will be able to receive government-funded subsidies. The risk of fraud, waste and abuse is truly astounding and will be unprecedented. If the president fails to act as a responsible steward of our nation's resources, then we will stand up and do what is right for the American people and protect our future from insolvency."

Cancer Bill Marks 100 Co-Sponsors

I released the following statement after my bill, H.R. 1416, The Cancer Patients Protection Act of 2013, inked its 100th bipartisan co-sponsor:

"I'm pleased to announce today the 100th co-sponsor of my bill to protect cancer patients from the harmful effects of the misallocated sequestration cuts. In April, these cuts went into effect. Since then, cancer centers across the country have been struggling to provide the necessary treatment to millions of Americans on Medicare who need them. I'm excited about this progress and remain committed to getting this bill passed and eventually signed into law."

Obama Administration Knew of Problems with Obamacare Implementation As Early as 2010

A recent hearing of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations uncovered how ill-prepared the administration has been for the implementation of Obamacare. A witness from the U.S. Treasury Department testified as to why the Obama administration is not prepared to implement Obamacare's employer mandate, and that the administration was aware of problems with Obamacare implementation as early as 2010.

