It's Time to Move Forward with Yucca Mountain


Date: Aug. 13, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure

Congressman Doc Hastings released the following statement on today's federal appellate court ruling on Yucca Mountain:

"This ruling reiterates that no Administration can ignore the law and represents a major victory for Hanford and Washington state. It's time to release the NRC report, complete the licensing process and move forward with Yucca Mountain − the final destination for high-level defense waste at Hanford and other sites across the nation. Just this summer, a bipartisan majority in the House voted to continue funding for Yucca Mountain and complete the license application.

"The Court's order should be implemented without delay and ongoing Administration efforts that circumvent Yucca Mountain should immediately stop. The Blue Ribbon Commission was a political tool created by the Administration in the face of a 2010 election. Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission are not law and the House explicitly provided zero funds for work that circumvents Yucca Mountain in its bill for next year. I have growing concerns and questions about resources being spent by this Administration on things like interim storage siting and waste studies that are being used as nothing more than tools to continue their illegal shutdown of Yucca Mountain.

"A $12 billion facility designed to vitrify Hanford's high-level tank waste so that it can be sent to Yucca Mountain is nearly 70 percent complete. Further delays of Yucca Mountain add risk to this facility and will result in waste staying at Hanford longer."
