Newsletter - Sounding the Alarm


Date: Aug. 18, 2013

Sounding the alarm on "hacker's dream" data hub

A report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General found that government agencies have missed key security deadlines and are months behind in security testing for the Obamacare datahub, the online information sharing apparatus established by the health care law. Security deadlines have been pushed until September 30th, the day before the health care exchanges are set to begin. As we get closer to implementation, we know that CMS is nowhere near ready to go live. According to CMS' own report, there is no indication that it will be able to secure Americans' sensitive information, leaving millions of families targets of fraud and identity theft. In the rush to meet arbitrary deadlines, I'm concerned that corners will be cut and mistakes will be made. The alarms are sounding.

Taxpayer savings and job security for Ridley Park workers

I was very pleased to recently take part in an event at Boeing's facility in Ridley Park to help announce multi-year contracts for the V-22 Osprey and H-47 Chinook. These contracts save taxpayer dollars and give employees certainty that production will continue into the future.

