Delaying the Healthcare Mandates


Date: July 21, 2013

Last week, I noted that the Obama Administration announced it was delaying Obamacare's "employer mandate,' requiring all businesses with 50 or more employees to provide their full-time workers with an affordable healthcare option or face a penalty.

We know that some small businesses have reduced employees' hours or held off hiring in their scramble to comply with this law's heavy-handed requirements. For instance, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently released a small business survey showing that 71 percent of small businesses say the health care law makes it harder to hire.

At the same time, the Administration failed to take the same action when it comes to the "individual mandate' that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance. In fairness, I believe the Administration's decision to delay part of the health care law must now be applied equitably to the entire country. That's why the House of Representatives has passed legislation to delay each of these mandates by one year.

The fact is, everyone deserves relief from this legislation before it becomes an even bigger train wreck. From the beginning, this law has been too far-reaching, too hasty and too partisan. I will continue to support a complete repeal of this law to replace it with commonsense policies that hold down costs, put patients first and won't overwhelm the small businesses that are so vital to the economy.

With President Obama still in office and the Senate controlled by Democrats, we won't be able to strike this law down overnight. But the House will continue to chip away at Obamacare's worst provisions to provide you, your family, and our economy with a break.
