Rep. Pastor Asks President for Release of DREAMers

Press Release

Date: July 24, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor, D-Ariz., has signed on to a letter that will be sent to President Obama asking him to exercise his discretion to allow the DREAM activists who were detained in Nogales, Ariz., on Tuesday to return to their homes in the United States.

The letter, signed by numerous members of Congress, read that the United States now has the opportunity to support provisions of the proposed immigration reform legislation that would allow deported DREAMers to return to the United States.

Pastor said he will do whatever he can to be of assistance to the detainees and their families. His office was working on Wednesday to obtain information about the status of the detainees and to find out the process that lies ahead for them.

"I understand the reason for their acts of civil disobedience, and I respect the point they are trying to make," Pastor said. "We need to turn our focus to reuniting them with their families and continue the fight for comprehensive immigration reform."
