Repeal Obamacare

Floor Speech

Date: July 11, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, last week, the President quietly decided to delay a major part of what many media pundits consider his crowning achievement: ObamaCare. The President is telling businesses that they will be given a year reprieve from complying with ObamaCare's onerous and costly employer mandate. The President is once again picking which laws his administration enforces and which ones he chooses not to. He's also picking winners and losers again. Employers will have another year to comply with the employer mandate, but President Obama has decided that individuals--the middle class--will not be given more time to comply with the individual mandate.

Meanwhile, the economy continues to limp along with businesses, large and small, afraid to hire more workers because the cost of doing business continues to go up without a clear end in sight. High taxes, enormous tax burdens, and the specter of ObamaCare continue to hang over them like a storm cloud. For the good of our Nation, ObamaCare must be repealed and replaced.
