Fairness for American Families Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 17, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the great work of the gentleman from Georgia on this issue and thank him.

Mr. Speaker, all across the country, Americans are asking one question: Why wasn't the mandate on them delayed? If the systems aren't in place for businesses to abide by this law by the deadline, why does the administration think that the systems will be in place for the individual mandate? If a delay is good for businesses, why isn't it good for the families in the 6th District of Virginia and across the Nation?

When Members refer to ObamaCare as a train wreck, they only quote one of its chief architects. This announcement proves even the administration knows ObamaCare is headed towards devastation. Let's get businesses, as well as American families, off this train headed towards disaster. We need to delay the employer mandate, we also need to delay the individual mandate, but most importantly, the American people need a full repeal of this train wreck legislation.

