Rep. Tom Reed Calls for Fairness Under Obamacare


Date: July 15, 2013

Rep. Tom Reed and the House of Representatives will vote this week to give Congressional authority to the Obama Administration's one-year delay of its employer mandate under Obamacare and a second bill to extend the mandate delay to families and individuals.

"The Administration is picking winners and losers with its health care law, giving employers and big business a break while forcing individuals and families to struggle under the individual mandate," Reed said. "A delay in the employer mandate will provide temporary relief for businesses, but the Administration failed to care for individuals and families struggling under Obamacare. We have a responsibility to be fair to all taxpayers and the House will vote this week to extend that relief to hardworking taxpayers."

On July 2nd, the Obama Administration announced a one-year delay of the employer mandate, originally slated to take effect January 1, 2014. The Authority for Mandate Delay Act provides Congressional authority for this employer mandate the Administration delayed on July 2nd. The Fairness for American Families Act extends the one-year mandate delay to individuals.

"To me, this is a basic fairness issue," Reed continued. "We need to be clear that there is Congressional validation of a delay for employers but we cannot stop there. We need to send the message that families and individuals deserve fair treatment."
