Congressman Xavier Becerra Votes Against Partisan Farm Bill


Today, Congressman Xavier Becerra (CA-34), Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, issued the following statement after Republicans, in violation of the "three-day" rule of the House which requires affording members sufficient time to review legislation, rushed through a vote on a 600-page partisan Farm Bill (H.R. 2642) that cuts out funding for nutrition services for children and modest-income and working families:

"America's farmers, ranchers and small businesses depend on smart, proven farm policy. Equally so, the Farm bill is of enormous importance to America's children, families and consumers.

"Passing a Farm Bill has traditionally been a bipartisan endeavor. Unfortunately, this year, instead of working with Democratic members to get the Farm bill right, Republicans have rushed a partisan piece of legislation through the House, endangering critical services that support our nation's agricultural industry and millions of hungry children and families all across America. This is no way to govern, and yet, this is the new normal. The American people deserve better."
