Rothfus, House Approve Important Investments in Critical Infrastructure and Energy Research


Date: July 11, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after voting for H.R. 2609, the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act:

"We learned this week that almost three hundred Western Pennsylvania power plant workers are the latest victims of President Obama's war on coal. In contrast to President Obama, my colleagues and I believe in an all-of-the-above approach to energy policy, and passed legislation supporting important research in cleaner coal, natural gas, hydropower, and renewable technology so that we can bring down energy costs and move toward North American energy independence. Importantly, the bill also makes critical investments in flood control and navigation projects to ensure that our waterways stay open for commerce. This fiscally-responsible legislation will help grow our economy, add jobs, and improve our nation's competitiveness in the world economy."
