Sanchez: SCOTUS Decision on VRA is a Significant Setback


Date: July 5, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA-46) today released the following statement reacting to the Supreme Court's decision invalidating core components of the Voting Rights Act.

"Today's Supreme Court Ruling striking down key parts of the Voting Rights Act is a significant setback for all Americans, in particular minorities who have been and will now be at greater risk of disenfranchisement. For nearly five decades, the Voting Rights Act has protected the rights of minority voters through a pre-clearance process that I believe, if taken away, will marginalize the voices of millions of voters.

"Time is of the essence, and Congress must act fast and use its power to ensure that every American has equal access to the ballot box, and that the power of the minority vote will not be diluted by this short sighted decision by the Court."
