Statement: Congresswoman Jackie Speier On US Supreme Court's Ruling On DOMA


Date: June 26, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) released the following statement today on the US Supreme Court's decision to strike down Section 3 of the "Defense of Marriage" Act, ending the federal government's policy of openly discriminating against married same-sex couples.

"This ruling is a victory for fundamental American values. It is a statement for fairness, an affirmation of our common humanity, and a vindication of equal rights under the law.

"Military spouses will no longer be denied base services because they are lesbian or gay. Binational married couples will no longer be split apart by our immigration laws. Federal workers will finally be able to provide health insurance for their families. For Edith Windsor, the widow who brought this case to the Supreme Court, today's decision means the federal government must refund the extra $363,000 she paid in taxes after the death of her wife--her partner of 40 years.

"Married couples will benefit, but so will LGBT youth, who can grow up knowing that they enjoy the same constitutional protections as their straight peers.

"Almost 44 years to the day since Stonewall, our country has taken a big step towards full equality. I will continue fighting until marriage equality is the law of the land. "
