Gingrey to Offer D.C. Military Right-to-Carry Amendment

Press Release

Date: June 11, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Gingrey today submitted an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would exempt active duty military personnel from the District of Columbia's punitive firearms rules.

"Our servicemen and women are highly-trained, highly-skilled, and the most professional fighting force in the world," Gingrey said. "This amendment expresses the sense that D.C.'s 40,000 active duty military have the right to carry their firearms without risk of violating D.C. law, and in some cases, finding themselves in jail."

About Gingrey's amendment

Servicemen and women have been prosecuted because of the District's unconstitutional prohibition, despite their training in the use of firearms, which is a travesty. These 40,000 individuals must request a waiver or be subject to D.C.'s onerous handgun regulations.

Studies have shown that firearms are a crime deterrent. The handgun ban leaves law-abiding citizens unable to protect themselves from violent acts or individuals breaking the law. This amendment recognizes that the D.C. handgun law, especially in regard to trained servicemen and women, punishes individuals well-equipped to protect themselves and others while emboldening perpetrators of violent crime.
