Blog: The House GOP's Broken Record


Date: June 11, 2013

The House GOP's record is starting to sound like a broken record: no jobs bills, no budget agreement, no solutions.

When asked about job creation on "Good Morning America" this morning, Speaker Boehner said: "…it really is our number one priority."
If that's the case, then why did the National Journal report that "Congress Has Passed 13 Laws This Year--None of Them Have to Do With Jobs"?

The American people have had enough of Republicans' partisan games. It's time for Republicans to abandon their political posturing and appoint budget conferees so we can negotiate a real, balanced, fair, and bipartisan budget solution.

There is no time to waste and no reason for further delay: Americans deserve an open and fair debate on our priorities and a budget that replaces the sequester with a plan to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and responsibly reduce the deficit.


The clock is ticking: the GOP has 20 days left to keep college affordable for America's students and middle class families.

If Congress fails to act by July 1st, student loan interest rates will double, putting college well out of reach for millions of students.
·Hardworking families already carry $1 trillion in student loan debt -- and we must act to ease, not exacerbate, that burden.

Independent experts agree: raising student loan interest rates is damaging to students, families, and our economy.

A new analysis from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office found that higher borrowing costs for college may force students to cut back on spending for education by deciding not to attend college altogether.
The CBO's report also found that raising interest rates would place an undue strain on borrowers' ability to make other financial decisions, like buying a home, starting a family, or saving for retirement.

Students are working hard to make the grade. But House Republicans are working hard to make college more expensive.

Last month, Republicans voted for their "Make College More Expensive Act" to saddle students and families with higher interest payments for their loans.
According to nonpartisan analyses, Republican proposals in both the House and Senate are worse for students than if Congress did nothing and interest rates doubled by July 1st.

To strengthen our economy, our middle class, and our future, Republicans must work with Democrats to prevent interest rates from doubling now. We must ensure the success of America by keeping college affordable for all Americans.
