Huelskamp Criticizes Media for Highlighting Pets and Farm Animals Displaced by Tornado with more News Coverage than Viable Unborn Babies Tortured to Death Without Anesthesia


Date: May 24, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Women Abortion

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) and other pro-life leaders participated in a press conference to announce their reasons for supporting the decision of Congressman Trent Franks to apply his Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1797) nationwide by amending the bill's jurisdictional scope.

The bill's previous incarnation -- which restricted abortions after 20 weeks gestation in only the District of Columbia -- won the votes of 220 House Members when it was brought to the House floor in July 2012. For more information on the medical evidence that unborn babies experience extreme pain during late-term abortions, visit

TRANSCRIPT: "For my four children, I never had the opportunity to see an ultrasound. [I] never had the opportunity to hear the heartbeat in the womb. Because they were adopted children that were the target of an industry that targets and identifies members of minority communities for destruction. Thank goodness for their birth mothers that gave me the opportunity to have four children today. One thing that I want to note as a Kansan is that as we stand and watch our television sets and replay the tragedy of the tornado in Oklahoma, we see stories of human tragedy. But the media is replete with stories about pets and farm animals that survived and were recovered and were returned to their owners. Meanwhile, the same country allows the ongoing torture of unborn children at the same time we say "take care of that horse, take care of the dog, that cat was saved.' What kind of a nation have we become? But I firmly believe that if you ask Americans, and you let them know that that unborn baby is feeling tremendous pain as he is being tortured and destroyed. Whether it is the clinic of the so-called "Doctor" Gosnell -- there are Gosnells all over this country -- this substandard care is standard fare in the abortion industry. Given the opportunity, I believe Americans would say: "No, we believe the torture of unborn children should end.' I support this legislation, and I support any legislation that will roll back this industry and restore the sanctity of life to the wombs across America."
