Brooks: It's Time to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline


Date: May 23, 2013
Issues: Oil and Gas

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN) released the following statement today after voting in favor of House Resolution 3 -- The Northern Route Approval Act -- which approves the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline:

"The Keystone XL pipeline will create thousands of jobs and pump billions of dollars into our economy. The initial Keystone application was submitted in 2008. After 1706 days of stonewalling, the President simply has no excuse for continuing to stall the completion of this vital project.

I believe in an "all of the above' energy approach that will help America maintain its competitive edge in a 21st century global economy. The completion of the pipeline is key to this approach and I was proud to vote for this important bill today. A vote for the Keystone XL pipeline is a vote for more well-paying jobs for hard working Americans. It's time to build the Keystone XL pipeline."

The Northern Route Approval Act removes the need for a Presidential Permit and grants the additional federal permits necessary to begin construction on the Keystone XL pipeline. .
