MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript - Affordable Care Act


Date: June 8, 2013


REID: And I think I have to go to the Congresswoman on that. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, that`s a really great point that Donna makes. The appropriation of the money to actually explain the law, let alone defending it, why was that not included in the negotiations over passing the Obamacare law, the Affordable Care?

REP. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON (D), TEXAS: I think the focus was on trying to make sure all of the benefits were in place. It was very difficult act to pass. And it was difficult because the insurance companies that were making all of the money because it was so restrictive did not want to see it passed. And it was very clear that it made for a very difficult process to clear it.

And persons who were trying to support the act were threatened all the time about their elections. There were many ads -- there still have many ads -- that are played against candidates trying to make sure that they are dogged for supporting it. I know that in the future because it`s not going to be repealed, even though the House repealed it 40 times, they just keep going it so they can have something to talk about negatively.

REID: Right.

JOHNSON: But people are getting money back because of the act calls from insurance companies to spend the money they collect on premiums on health care.


REID: Exactly. Even Ronald Reagan said it was socialism, and probably the Brewer care in Jan Brewer`s Arizona.

I want to ask Eddie Bernice, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson last question. African-Americans, as we know, are more uninsured at higher rates than anyone else. Obama is clearly not unpopular with African- Americans. There will be no problem with advertising the benefits of Obamacare, so, let`s say your constituents. Is that something that Congressional Black Caucus members are doing or plan to do?

JOHNSON: Yes, we do. And we planned to be joined by many of our colleagues because we know that come October, we need to get more information out there. Our voices are being somewhat drowned out because of all of the money being spent against it.

But the reality is, everyone benefits. For the first time, people that are uninsured will have the opportunity to go to marketplace and buy insurance. This takes it to beyond the one or two insurance companies that had all the market captured in the past. It gives much more opportunity, much more competition. And competition is what will control much of that cost.

Also, the rule that if you don`t pay for health care through the premiums, you refund the money -- we`ve had 13 million people get back more than a billion dollars this past year. So, it works. I can tell you that in four or five years it will be the same, be revered as much as Social Security.


REID: All right. Public/private partnerships advertised here on THE ED SHOW, thank you very much to Steve Kornacki, Donna Gentile O`Donnell, as well Congressman Eddie Bernice Johnson -- thank you to all of you.

