Newsletter - Challenging the EPA


Date: June 3, 2013

As Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, I frequently hear about ill-advised or overly burdensome Federal regulations, both those that are on the books and those in the pipeline. One of the worst offenders when it comes to such regulations is the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA -- and they're back at it again.

The agency recently announced a plan to take a heavy hand in regulating greenhouse gases from new fossil fuel-based electric generating sources, like coal fired power plants. Such an action will effectively ban new coal fired power plants from being built in this country, because it would increase the cost of electricity generated from a coal plant by 80%, by the EPA's own admission. This is part of a larger scheme to eliminate the use of coal in America, and it places us on a dangerous course.

Missouri has a long history of producing coal. Our state uses coal to power 82% of our electricity, and we enjoy some of the most reliable and affordable power in the nation. The EPA's new rule threatens this balance, and will result in less jobs and more expensive energy.

I recently joined with Senator Blunt and four of my House colleagues from Missouri in bringing these concerns to the President's attention. We respectfully requested that his Administration amend the proposed rule to employ an approach that doesn't harm Missouri's economy or electricity supply.

Agencies must do more to reduce unnecessary red tape and paperwork to ensure that Americans can compete in a global economy, not heap on poorly written new regulations that threaten to eliminate livelihoods in Missouri and across the country.

Sam Graves Signature
Sam Graves
