Pass the Jobs Act Now

Floor Speech

Date: June 5, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it's now been 885 days since I arrived in Congress, and the Republican leadership has still not allowed a single vote on serious legislation to address our unemployment crisis. This Congress is pretending our unemployment crisis is completely over. This Congress is acting as though surface scandals and a now rapidly shrinking budget deficit are the only issues that matter to this country. Try telling that to any of the 12 million unemployed Americans, who are today struggling to keep their homes and to pay for their food and health care. Try telling that to any of the 3 million Americans who have been unemployed for more than a year and are facing the indescribably painful possibility that they will never work again.

Mr. Speaker, unemployment is the Nation's true deficit. Let's pass the Jobs Now Act and the President's American Jobs Act to end it. The mantra of this Congress should be: jobs, jobs, jobs.
