Affordable Care Act Moving Ahead As Planned and Strengthening Medicare

Press Release

Date: May 31, 2013
Location: Houston, TX

Congressman Gene Green (D-TX) reacted positively to an array of good news this week as a result of the continued implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The Obama Administration announced that the Medicare Trustees reported two additional years of solvency for Medicare, now until 2026, thanks to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, it was announced that 90% of Americans participating in the Health Insurance Exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act will have at least five different health insurance options.

"Recently, Medicare has been under assault. Some have engaged in scare tactics to convince seniors that the care they have been investing in their entire lives will not be there when they need it. The news that Medicare will remain solvent until 2026 is great and it justifies a balanced and measured approach toward reform proposals. Without a doubt, we must repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate formula and we should do more to ensure the Medicare program is solvent for years more, but this news is welcome."

Rep. Green also lauded the news on the health insurance exchanges, saying, "Like all legislation, the Affordable Care Act was not perfect. But, it is good news that the health insurance exchanges are operating as planned. It is my goal to work with the State of Texas and the federal government to make sure the federally run Texas exchange is robust, but the news that 90% of Americans will have at least 5 choices supports the tough decisions we had to make to enact the Affordable Care Act. As full implementation of the exchanges approaches, I am hopeful that more good news will follow."
