Lamborn Joins Calls for Select Committee on Benghazi

Press Release

Date: May 20, 2013

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today announced he will co-sponsor legislation calling for the creation of a House only select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Lamborn told 740 KVOR's Richard Randall this morning:

"We should have a select committee to investigate Benghazi. We need to get to the bottom of Benghazi and I think a select committee is the way to do it. I'm not saying we would get to the bottom if this administration is bent on obstructing the truth, but we would at least have a path to do that."

Under H.Res. 36, the select committee would be comprised of 19 House members (11 Republican/8 Democrats). The select committee would have the authority to call witnesses and issue subpoenas.The select committee would be temporary and would last only 120 days. Under the bill, the select committee must issue a final report no later than 90 days after their first meeting and must cease to exist 30 days after filling their report.

"Oversight of the Executive Branch is one of the fundamental responsibilities of the United States Congress. And we owe it to the families of the victims to independently investigate this tragedy in full and open hearings. I hope the formation of this select committee will stop the president's stonewalling and allow the facts to come out."-- Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
