Fleming: We just might be witnessing the most corrupt administration in a generation.


Date: May 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Fleming, M.D., released the following statement about the scandals involving Benghazi, the IRS, and the Department of Justice:

"Maybe no one is safe. Four diplomatic lives are lost in Benghazi and the president calls it 'a side show.' Conservative activists were targeted by the White House's IRS and the president acts dumb on the matter, even though he joked about auditing his enemies in 2009. And now the mainstream media had phone records seized by the White House's Department of Justice, but Attorney General Eric Holder is claiming ignorance and blaming a deputy.

"Abuse of power is now rampant in this administration. It's time for accountability, from the president on down. Attorney General Holder has a persistent history of putting politics before justice. If he will not resign he should be fired. Today.

"Congress must now ramp up, even more aggressively, our oversight duties to protect the innocent and their civil liberties, which are being threatened constantly by this White House. I'm calling on the Speaker, Chairman Camp and Chairman Issa to put all their resources into getting to the bottom of these damaging scandals. A fully functioning democracy is at stake if we fail to do our duty on these matters.

"This Congress must not rest until we get answers and accountability for the American people. It's time people go to jail for these misdeeds."
