Chesterton Tribune - Visclosky Reintroduces American Steel First Act

U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-1st, has re-introduced the American Steel First Act of 2013, a bill which would require the Department of Transportation, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Homeland Security to exclusively use American-made iron and steel in infrastructure projects.

"We must reject unfairly-subsidized foreign steel and use American-made materials in taxpayer-financed projects," Visclosky said in a statement released on Tuesday. "I am re-introducing the American Steel First Act to send a clear message to American workers: I stand with you and will never stop fighting to give you the tools you need to strengthen our economy."

Visclosky, vice-chair of the Congressional Steel Caucus, was joined by Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa.--chair of the Caucus--in support of the measure. Murphy is an original co-sponsor of the bill.

"Building projects financed with taxpayer dollars must use American-made materials, not foreign," Murphy said. "With the nation facing trillions in needed infrastructure development, using domestic top-of-the-line iron and steel produced right here in the United States will not only ensure the highest quality materials are used in the next great American building boom but also will keep all the jobs here at home."

"Visclosky has long been a staunch supporter of American steel," the statement said. "He authored a successful Buy America provision that passed as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 and joined with leaders in both parties in a successful effort to require the Department of Defense to use American-made steel in armor plating."

The legislation will be referred to a relevant committee in the House.
