Foreign Manufacturers Legal Accountability Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 23, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 1910, the bipartisan Foreign Manufacturers Legal Accountability Act, which I've introduced this term with Representative Mike Turner of Ohio. This is a bill that will help level the playing field for American manufacturers and retailers and protect American consumers.

Current law allows foreign companies selling defective products in the United States to dodge service of process, and they do. When a foreign company does that, it puts all of the burden on American retailers to account for any harm that is caused because of the defective product. That is not fair to American companies, and it's not fair to American citizens.

This bill streamlines service rules so foreign companies selling products here in America can be served with process here in America.

Mr. Speaker, I urge the Members to support H.R. 1910. Let's make sure that everyone benefiting from the American marketplace plays by American rules.
